5 Ways I Want To Help Overwhelmed Moms

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My blog is here to encourage and show overwhelmed moms how to simplify life with systems, routines and habits. Not so long ago I was one of those extremely overwhelmed moms. I know what it’s like to be frazzled and overwhelmed every day ; to be completely drained and exhausted by all the responsibilities of being all the things: wife, mom, professional, and homemaker. I was able to break the daily cycle of overwhelm by adopting new habits and establishing solid systems and routines. These systems and routines allowed me to take better care of myself and ultimately, my family.

Before we go any further, allow me to say this: my goal here is not to position myself as a homemaking expert who has a perfect life, and all the things figured out. Here’s the truth: I still get off track every now and then, and I don’t have it ALL figured out. My life is far from perfect (because what even is a perfect life anyway?). Just like you’re a mom who’s trying her darnedest to do her best, and learning some lessons along the way…I am too.

Here’s the point: I’ve learned a lot about systems, habits, and routines (mostly the hard way), but I’m still a work in progress. The difference now is that I know what works, and how to quickly reset when I’ve gotten off track.

Here are five things I want to do through this blog for overwhelmed moms:

1. Teach overwhelmed moms why they need systems and how to create them

Creating systems first begins with realizing you need them.

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of doing all the mom things, we get so caught up with what’s right in front of us (shoveling cereal out of the crevices of the couch, constantly tidying up the house, packing diaper bags, dashing out the door, etc.) that it’s hard to pinpoint the source of overwhelm. Here on my blog, I’m looking forward to teaching you more about systems and how to create them. This blog post is a great starting point!

2. Provide video Content that Shows systems and routines in action

While lots of moms may enjoy reading the content on my blog, that’s not the case for everyone. I know others may like to see what these solutions look like in real life. As a visual learner, if I can actually see how something works, it sometimes “sticks” better than when I just read it.

Enter my YouTube channel! This video shows my real-life morning routine as a working mom. The video is over a year old, so I actually need to update it, since my morning routine has changed. So, not only will you be able to read about simplifying your life with systems; you’ll be able to see it in action as well!

3. Provide overwhelmed moms with everyday solutions for simplifying life

I’ve been on a journey for the last several years to simplify my life, and if that sounds like your cup of tea I’d love for you to join me. God has given me wisdom on solutions that have helped me to be more punctual and to stop constantly misplacing different items at home (like my keys). I’ve been able to streamline my process of picking out clothes for work, and to put an end to piles of mail stacking up on the kitchen island for weeks at a time. Imagine how much simpler and happier life can be with the compound effect of making lots of small changes at home.

4. Create a community where moms can connect. encourage and inspire one another

I don’t want my blog to just be a source of information. I would love for it to blossom into a community where moms can connect with and encourage one another. Have you ever heard of the scripture in the Bible that mentions how iron sharpens iron? We’re definitely better together!

5. Share my journey of creating new habits in a way that inspires overwhelmed moms to do the same

I’m so grateful that my life is more simple now than it was a few years ago, but I’m still on a journey. I’m here to share my process with you. Sometimes we only see a person’s end result, without ever being privy to the struggles, setbacks, mini victories, and lessons learned along the way. I don’t mind sharing some of the “behind the scenes” because I think it’s encouraging. As I share with you my journey toward living more simply (by creating new habits and letting go of some old ones), I hope to encourage you to begin your own journey, or inspire you to keep going if you’ve already begun.

and on that note…

I started blogging because I love to write, but just as much as this blog is for me; it’s really for you! If you could benefit from establishing stronger systems at home to help you live more simply I’d love to connect with you. Be sure to subscribe to the blog, and leave a comment down below about a system or routine that you’d like to establish or improve to make your day to day life less stressful.

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