Best Self Care Products for Busy Moms

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The Best Self Care Products for Busy Moms

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You know what no one ever mentions at your very first baby shower?

The stress and overwhelm that seems sometimes to be a package deal with mom life. I guess that’s to be expected, though, since no one wants to be a Dorothy downer, but geez Louise! I was NOT ready.

to stay sane you have to make a priority of carving out time to do things you love; things that energize you and bring you joy. You deserve it sis!

Sometimes being stressed and overwhelmed is a natural response to the craziness of mom life, and there are also times when some of the stress and overwhelm can actually be prevented.

Moms who establish efficient systems and routines at home may have a better chance at proactively avoiding some of the stress.

If you’re anything like I was a couple years back, constantly feeling frazzled was as normal to me as brushing my teeth every morning.That consuming feeling of overwhelm could’ve been mostly prevented with having better systems at home.

Read more here about establishing systems that will help you level up the quality of your everyday life. Whether you’re living in a cycle of overwhelm or you’re super organized and have it all under control, all moms have to take some time out for self care.

What is Self Care?

  • The term self care started picking up steam several years ago, and I think it’s here to stay.
  • Self care is multifaceted, and includes taking care of your whole self: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
  • I see one aspect of self care as doing things that fill your cup, help you recharge, and allow you to show up as the very best version of yourself.

Simple Self Care Ideas

  • going to the beach (perks of living in the Sunshine State)
  • reading
  • journaling
  • walking laps at my favorite park
  • buying flowers & arranging them in a glass vase
  • studying my Bible
  • doing my own manicures & nail art
  • doing DIY projects
  • learning new things
  • practicing photography
  • creating YouTube videos
  • spending a day with my friends (a rare treat)
  • the occasional facial or massage
  • drinking tea from my favorite mug

Although practicing self care is now more popular than ever, it’s been at the center of some interesting debates. Have you seen how the conversations about self care can swing from one side of the pendulum to the other? Here’s my stance:

It’s all about BALANCE!

Self care can be super luxe and expensive, and you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that if it floats your boat and you can afford it. So does that mean more simple, free, or affordable activities or exeriences don’t count as self care?

Of course not! So what if you don’t shell out a ton of cash or have to swipe your card to get to be good to yourself. Taking in an evening sunset while you stroll along the riverwalk can be just as valuable as a relaxing day at the swankiest spa in town.

It really all depends on who you are and what fills your cup.

Schedule the Time

When you have to figure out what’s for dinner, then cook the food, fold the mountain of laundry that’s been on the couch two days, iron uniforms, do the budget and ALL THE THINGS, taking time out for yourself is more than likely somewhere at the bottom of your to-do list.

That is, if it even occurred to you to put yourself on the list in the first place. Self care should really be one of our priorities, even though we sometimes tend to forget that we should be tending to our emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual well being.

  • The probability of making time for yourself is going to go way up when you actually plan for it. Last year I created a self care calendar, and by scheduling “me time”, I was able to communicate with my husband well in advance when I would need time to myself. Sometimes this meant getting a massage, and sometimes it meant my husband and son left the house and I could have the place to myself for a couple hours.
  • Am I the only mom that does a little dance as soon as I have the house to myself? As a busy mom I like in home self care options. This means I don’t have to put on pants and I can do whatever my heart desires in my favorite place.

Best Products to Practice Self Care for Moms

  • Let’s take a look some self care products that can help you to enjoy some time to yourself. Of course this is not an exhaustive list because moms are not a monolith. We have different backgrounds, and interests, and hobbies. Reading a really good corny joke will brighten my day and bring me so much joy; the kind of joy that only comes from laughing so hard that you can’t help but cry. For some other moms…maybe not so much. Self care will vary from one mom to the next, but these are products that I’ve used (and still use…just as recently as yesterday) when I wanted to do something for myself. As a busy mom it’s not always easy to get out of the house, but there’s plenty you can do for yourself from the comfort of your own home.
  • The Simply Grateful Journal

The Simply Grateful Journal

  • I got this journal as a gift when I participated in a Galentines Day gift exchange, and I love it! It has the perfect blend of journal prompts and blank pages. There are inspirational quotes in small font at the bottom of some pages, and also some sheets are an entire page with a quote about gratitude, joy, or something else positive. The design is beautiful and I really like how feminine and pretty it is.

Statement Journals

Journaling is so therapeutic for me, and I have tons of journals and notebooks. I especially like journals that have an uplifting message on the cover like this one. I can’t always talk to someone else about the details of my life (and sometimes I’d rather not). Journaling is an excellent way to help you process your feelings.

Faux Fur Throw for Naps

There are times when self care means that I need a nap in the middle of the day. Sometimes even in the evening. It’s like I can literally feel my body telling me…”Dee, you need to rest.” When you need to get in a good 30-60 minute power nap, the couch is a great place because it’s not quite as comfy as the bed. One of my favorite things about napping is using my faux fur throw. These throws are so comfy and cozy and make mid day naps the best!


Something that I really like to do at home is read a great book. If you tend to read several books at once like I do, then an electronic reader like the kindle in the picture below could be a perfect option for self care from the comfort of your couch. I don’t have one yet, but I’ve definitely added it to one of my Amazon shopping lists. An e-reader is a great way for me get lots more books without cluttering your space. My house is on the smaller side and we don’t have a ton of storage, so I see a kindle as a great solution!

Essential Oils

The aromatherapy benefits of essential oils can make you feel good, and they’re actually good for your body as well (depending on the oils you use). My favorite are Young Living Essential oils. Check out this one and a half minute video I made that teaches you how to make an aromatherapy epsom salt bath soak using Young Living oils.

Foot Spa

Sis! If you don’t have a foot spa, you’re truly missing out. This is the exact one that my hubby’s mom gifted me. I didn’t use it for a long time, but when the pandemic hit, this bad boy quickly became a go-to! It’s such a treat when the water starts to bubbles and gets really hot. A huge plus is that once it heats up the water stays hot the entire time that it’s plugged in. For me that’s usually around 35 minutes. I love to add epsom salt and essential oils. This makes me feel so relaxed, even when my pre-schooler is loudly running around, and being his three year old self…and yes, it’s ok to squeeze in some self care even if the house isn’t calm and quiet.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Self Care

  • Remember that self care is such a personal experience, and it’s OK if your idea of self care looks different than mine. God created us all uniquely, so of course the way that every mom re-energizes doesn’t have to be the same. Practicing self care doesn’t have to be lavish, expensive or last all day to be effective. You can practice self care right from the comfort of your very own home.
  • I’m really interested to know: what’s your favorite way to practice self care, and what is your favorite self care product?
  • Would you do me a favor? Please share this blog post with your sister, auntie, cousin, mama, coworker, or best friend. Sharing is caring!

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